
There are a wide range of activities at Heritage Manor of Houma in which residents and families can participate. Families are welcome and encouraged to visit our facility and participate in social activities with their loved ones.
Residents enjoy scheduled activities throughout the day everyday and religious services each weekend. Family and volunteers are always welcome. Here are some examples of the activities: musical entertainment, movies, exercise, table games, pet therapy, spelling bees, trivia, family bingo, mobile library, and arts & crafts.
Are you interested in volunteering? Please contact our Activities Director at 985-851-2307 for more information.
Please download our activities calendar for exact dates and times. Highlights are included below for your convenience.
February 2025 Calendar
February 3
11:00 Exercise
February 6
8:00 Beauty & Barber
February 12
2:00 Resident Birthday Party
February 14
2:00 Valentine’s Day Social
February 17
8:30 Current Events
February 20
10:00 Coffee and Refreshments
February 25
2:00 Pet Therapy
February 28
2:00 Kingdom Melodies